Total price:
Select boost

After you've completed the payment, you'll be redirected back to our form. There, you can share your account login, password, and all the details about the extra options you've chosen.
Discount code:
Look for codes in our Discord group. If the code is right, price will update on the next screen once you hit the 'Pay with paypal' button. 🤑
Total price:
Select boost

After you've completed the payment, you'll be redirected back to our form. There, you can share your account login, password, and all the details about the extra options you've chosen.
Discount code:
Look for codes in our Discord group. If the code is right, price will update on the next screen once you hit the 'Pay with paypal' button. 🎁
Total price:
Select boost

When the boosters duo queue with you, they play on an account from another customer in a similar division to yours. You can also choose our extra option and ask the booster to play on your second spare account.
Discount code:
Look for codes in our Discord group. If the code is right, price will update on the next screen once you hit the 'Pay with paypal' button. 🤑
Total price:
Select boost

After you've completed the payment, you'll be redirected back to our form. There, you can share your account login, password, and all the details about the extra options you've chosen.
Discount code:
Look for codes in our Discord group. If the code is right, price will update on the next screen once you hit the 'Pay with paypal' button. 🎁
Select boost

page under construction
- If you are interested in purchasing Wilf-Rift Boosting, feel free to contact us.

Playing normal games can be booring and frustrating. Hire us to make it for you.
The booster will cumulatively add up to the number of wins you have purchased. We counting only won games so when you order 20 wins it can happen to win 20 and lose some. Lost games are allowed in this service.
- Clean up ranked restrictions
- Increase MMR in normal games
- Fast lvl-up smurf accounts